Michael Dvornichenko



OwnCloud. Error Archives of type application/octet-stream are not supported (Solution)

OwnCloud was installed via cPanel on the server using the softaculous service.

Before installation, you need to activate the modules in the PHP settings:

  • mbstring
  • intl
  • zip

Even if you install OwnCloud manually, after installation and the start of the main page, a message appears that you need to activate the corresponding modules (indicated above).

OwnCloud has own Market of add-ons. You can install additional improvements in it, such as playing media files, integration with calendars, and more.

But when trying to install the necessary add-on, an error appeared:

Archives of type application/octet-stream are not supported

in the Russian version:

Архивы application/octet-stream не поддерживаются


The solution is very simple, just activate PHP module: fileinfo

After activation, all add-ons are installed perfectly.

I hope the information was useful!



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