How to reset the password of Chinese DVR h.264
I have an 8-channel DVR bought for $ 50 in China. It so happened that I forgot the password for the accounts …. probably sclerosis :-).
Of course, the question arose: “How to recover or reset the password on Chinese DVR?”
Logically, if you open the device and remove the battery for 10 seconds, then everything will be reset to the factory settings. But this method did not help, and it is strange that there are no more buttons and jumpers on the board.
I started to google … but there was a problem, how would I formulate the request correctly? Searching for the unknown firmware of the Chinese “Noname” device is problematic.
I watched hundreds of videos on YouTube, re-read a bunch of articles, and as a result, one of the forums mentioned a strange utility called “DVR Code calculator”.
This utility is used for some firmware, which generates a service password for the Admin account and allows you to reset the device to default settings.
I got to the site: where I successfully downloaded two applications
The first “CalculateCode” application generated code but it did not work. On the site, I saw second version of the application that created completely different code, and this code WORKED CORRECTLY!
And now by steps:
Step 1: Download applications
Step 2: We start the program and enter the system DATE in the format (YYYYMMDD) which is indicated on the SCREEN of your DVR. And click OK.
Step 3: The received code is entered during DVR authorization under the admin account. If everything is correct, then the device will prompt you to login under the administrator account and the device will go into reboot.
After the reboot, the accounts will be reset to the factory settings. In my case, the factory admin account was with a blank password.
p.s.: Shared these two files
I hope the information was useful to you.
Good luck!
One Comment
Добры день регистратор заблокирован нет пароля пробовал разные калькуляторы не помогло.Название регистратора H. 264 модель HY-NH1208 серийный номер – 354201801190168 дата после вытаскивание батарейки 2000-12-31 время 00:00:18.
Если сможете помогите с паролем.